8 Tips To Make Your Weekend Great How to have an enjoyable weekend. Some tips that will help you spice up your weekend. A lot of people are always expectants of weekends because weekends serves as days to break away from stressful routines of the week. These days are days when people go to have time for themselves after the busy schedule of the week. Although for some people this is not so,they are busy for some people depending on their job type. However,regardless of the type of jobs we do,it is essential that we always create time for ourselves,a time to rest and a time to be free from busy schedules. Here are some tips to have an enjoyable weekend: Do not have a backlog of work from the week. A backlog is an accumulation or builds up of unfinished works,this will affect your plans for the weekend.Try to finish up your for the week and leave no job undone so that it will interfere with your weekend. When you have a carryover of incomplete work,you will not be able to c...